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Sunday, May 2, 2021

Recycled Egg Carton Flower Bouquet

If you love doing recycled crafts at your place then you'll love these recycled egg carton flowers. The kids and I made them for Grandma for Mother's Day. They're an easy and affordable craft to make for birthdays, Mother's Day or just to have on display in the house. An added bonus is they'll never droop or wilt.

egg carton floral bouquet

If your household is anything like ours then you'll have a healthy recycling hoard collection put aside just waiting for the day they come in handy for crafts. Well today is that day my friends! If you don't have a stash already then you should be able to collect an empty egg carton, toilet paper roll and some cardboard within a week or two {depending how long the kids take to eat eggs}.


  • Paint
  • Scissors
  • Paintbrush
  • Egg carton
  • Piece of cardboard
  • Toilet paper roll or cardboard tube
  • Hot glue gun {optional}

The beauty of these egg carton flowers is that you can find most of the items needed from your recycling. We have a pile of empty egg cartons saved for craft so I just used one of those, an empty toilet paper roll and I cut off the side of a cardboard box from an online delivery. 

If you're wanting to make these as a classroom activity and can't use recycled toilet paper rolls then you can buy craft rolls online in bulk at Amazon {as well as bulk new egg cartons if you have anyone with an egg allergy}. Also if you don't want to use a hot glue gun then you can simply tape the flowers to the stems with sticky tape.

materials needed to make egg carton flowers


Follow these steps to make a bouquet of mixed flowers the same as we did in the photos, or you can cut out many of the same flower design to make a bouquet of tulips, bouquet of sunflowers, bouquet of poppies or bouquet of peace lilies. If you're making these egg carton flowers as a classroom activity with younger children teachers should do steps 1, 3 & 4 to prep the activity and make it easier for the children to complete.

1. Cut the cardboard into a small rectangle base {approximately 20cm x 15cm} and a few strips of varying heights.
cardboard cut into stems for recycled flowers
2. Paint the toilet paper roll and stem strips with green paint and set aside to dry. Depending on what paint you're using they may need a few coats.

3. Cut the lid off of the egg carton and carefully cut out 3 egg cup sections and one cone section. These will then be cut into flowers.

4. Cut each egg carton section into flower shapes. To make a peace lily you will need to trim the base of the cone piece so that one side creates a high triangle. The other three flowers will be made by cutting the edges of the egg cup pieces. To make a sunflower cut small triangles all the way around. To make a poppy cut four large curved petals. To make a tulip slightly curve the edges of the egg cup section.

different flowers cut out of egg carton pieces

5. Paint the egg carton flowers. Again this may need a few coats depending on the paint you're using. Paint the peace lily white with a yellow stamen. Paint the sunflower petals yellow with brown or black seeds in the centre. Paint the tulip purple {or any other colour} with a yellow stamen and the poppy can either be pink with a yellow stamen or red with a black stamen.

painted egg carton tulip, sunflower, pappy and peace lily

6. Hot glue gun the toilet paper roll to the cardboard base to form a vase. 

7. Hot glue gun or sticky tape each flower to a stem. Arrange the flowers on the different stems before attaching them to determine the best way they'll fit. The peace lily will need to be attached from the longest side of the flower and the other flowers need to be attached from the base.

Once you've finished glueing all the flowers on you'll have a beautiful bouquet of flowers that will never wilt and can always be on display. They're sure to be a cherished keepsake for years to come. They're also great to make for birthdays or as end of year teacher gifts for daycare and kindy.

mothers day recycled egg carton floral bouquet
how to make an egg carton bouquet of flowers for mothers day


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