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Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Elf on the Shelf Tooth Fairy Ideas

The elf is arguably one of, if not the most anticipated magical visitor of the year for children {besides Santa himself} and they can't help but count down to their arrival in December. However, there's also another special visitor who can pop in at any time of the year - the Tooth Fairy! What happens when the tooth fairy comes to visit at the same time the elf is in your house?

elf with wings from the tooth fairy.


Will they get along? Will they be scared of each other? Are they already friends? Or maybe the tooth fairy will sneak in and out before the elf gets back from the North Pole. Here's a few ideas to use if you find the tooth fairy visiting your house during December.

Elves set a trap for the Tooth Fairy

elf set a trap for the tooth fairy.

The cheeky elves heard that the Tooth Fairy would be visiting and set a trap for her, but they couldn't resist trying the cookies themselves! Looks like the Tooth Fairy got away.

Tooth Fairy caught the elf

elf on the shelf caught in a trap by the tooth fairy.

Oh no the Tooth Fairy caught the elf and tied him up with dental floss just in case he's an unwanted visitor. You can get the free printable elf tooth fairy sign here.

Grinch Tooth Fairy prank

Grinch hides tooth from the tooth fairy.

If you have a naughty Grinch who visits at December with the elves then there's a chance they may take an opportunity to play a prank on the kids and the Tooth Fairy. Don't worry the Tooth Fairy will come back for another visit the next night.

Tooth Fairy leaves coins with elf

tooth fairy leaves gold coins with elf.

If the Tooth Fairy and elf are already friends, she'll probably leave the money with them for safe keeping until the morning. If the elf wants to add to the coin pile they can use real gold coins, plastic gold coins or chocolate gelt coins if you celebrate Hanukkah.

Elf gets Tooth Fairy wings

elf gets paper fairy wings from the tooth fairy.

If the elf and Tooth Fairy meet up overnight she can make the elf their very own set of fairy wings. The easiest way to do this is to fold a piece of paper in a concertina style by folding it backwards and forwards onto itself in 1cm increments. You'll then want to tape the wings in the middle so they fan out like wings.

Elf fairies

elves tied up with tinsel by tooth fairy.

The Tooth Fairy may decide to turn the elves into fairies too, but keep them tied up just in case they aren't trustworthy. Thankfully sparkly tinsel handcuffs aren't as restrictive as dental floss.

If you're looking for even more fun, easy, or even elaborate Elf on the Shelf ideas, join our Facebook group Elfing Around for lots of inspiration from thousands of parents all over the world.

elf on the shelf and tooth fairy ideas for December.

More Elf on the Shelf Ideas

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